GOD IS OUT OF FASHION? [1] You shall have no other gods before me. OUT OF FASHION: IN FASHION [1] OTHER gods: ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX CASUAL GOD IS OUT OF FASHION? [2] You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any picture of what is in the sky above nor below the earth beneath or in the waters under the earth. Do not you encurvarás front of them, nor serve them, because I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers in children until the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, and use of mercy to thousands who I love and keep My commandments. OUT OF FASHION: IN FASHION [2] IMAGE of the boss, IMAGE OF WOMEN, THE IMAGE husband, IMAGE OF Courtship, IMAGE girlfriend's, images of singers, singers GOD IS OUT OF FASHION? [3] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not have anyone guiltless who misuses His name in vain. OUT OF FASHION: IN FASHION [3] SPEAK THE NAME OF THE LORD ONLY VERY CONCERNED FOR FOOD the Superb, damage, envy, IRA, superbly, Lust EA PREGUIÇOSO GOD IS OUT OF FASHION? [4] Remember the days of Saturday, sanctifies for it. Six days labor, and farás all your work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God. On that day You shall not make any work, neither you, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor your servant, nor your servant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day, so the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. OUT OF FASHION: IN FASHION [4] DEDICATED TO SEVEN DAYS Deadline for beef, The 8th ONLY holy day. GOD IS OUT OF FASHION? [5] Honor your father and your mother, so that extend your day in the land the Lord your God gives you. OUT OF FASHION: IN FASHION [5] It is ONLY MAKE A VISIT TO THE ASYLUM. GOD IS OUT OF FASHION? [6] You shall not murder. OUT OF FASHION: IN FASHION [6] HOW MUCH ARE THE most cruel refinement, the greater the FAMA. MATA UP TO BY a glance GOD IS OUT OF FASHION? [7] You shall not commit adultery. Completely out of fashion. IN FASHION [7] that so much is done, is being accepted even within the churches, various interpretations make the adulterer or adulteress form of marriage contract that just goes off at any time. It is clear the increasing number of divorces that take account of Christian homes, which overlook the word of the Son of God, is the hardness of heart, which had been granted the right to divorce. The degradation of society is primarily related to the family. You are in fashion is adultery, novels are massive campaigns to track and use it more Messenger to deepen the relationships triangular, square. Things of modernity, and if there is any hint, say there is no trust. Things of modernity, adulterer and blame the other. Everyone has the right to live their lives with freedom and power tamper is one of them. The hidden is better, more palatable. Imagine God with visual problems. If you believe in Him. GOD IS OUT OF FASHION? [8] You shall not steal. OUT OF FASHION: IN FASHION [8]: NOT AS is discovered, to evade IN CHURCHES, IN POLITICS, IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE breakdowns in the family, the community.
GOD IS OUT OF FASHION? [9] You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. OUT OF FASHION: IN FASHION [9] It is ONLY FOR GROUPS JOIN Gossip, AS GOOD SPEAK It is other people 's lives, the more falsehood, BETTER FICA. GOD IS OUT OF FASHION? [10] Do not covet the house of your neighbor, the woman did not covet your neighbor, nor his servant, nor his servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything of your next. OUT OF FASHION: THE FASHION [10] COBIÇA UP FOR ALL: BOX, WOMEN, ANIMALS, TO THE PROGRAMS next door, roof tiles, sofa, the daughter and son next door, So many, Daria TO MAKE A BOOK
JESUS TOO! [11] Love your neighbor as yourself. OUT OF FASHION. IN FASHION [11] This commandment of the Master, has suffered successive attacks by fashions that decode the word love in interest, it is first necessary to want something and then say you love, when love is spontaneous, not asking anything in return is voluntary, all pardons, everything he said. I am not shaken with people who are reluctant to follow the teachings of Master the art of love, but those followers say, abiding believers of the commandments. There is no way to develop attitudes of Christians who take attitudes of not talking with other brothers, not only brothers in faith, but blood, think the difficulty is that, not talking with his brother inside the house, or couples of Christians who take the same attitude, in which a resolves no longer talk to the other, or both, agree to use the fantasy of Christians, mere church-goer, readers of the word of God, some decimated, and the courage yet to participate in ceias. It is shameful that this aberration is contaminating the faith of many, which is led by selfishness, the false doctrines that deviate from the teachings of Christ. Since stumbling stone for the newly converted. They make life a mere theater, pretending to be, are only Christians, for convenience, desencargo of conscience, if we can tell that there is one. Hate the next, this is the sense of fashion. Harm him in any event, making it invisible, make it becomes negligible, perhaps even cause it to become a "slush" that is the word that once heard an acquaintance say that a certain person was " filth, "asked this person, owe too much to hate them, and heard the surprising answer - no, no! They have other major sewage. I do not contain, and I asked you talk to these people, and listened - I mean yes, for education. The love of neighbor as thyself, there is this possibility of love for education, speak for education. Fake Christians, frankly, God talk that are hypocrites, hypocrites. Knowledgeable of the scriptures, which only speak, and require that others do, but it failed in any duty to obey them. True graves of cemeteries, beautiful outside and inside putrid corpses, or just bones; That phrase was heard by a woman who approached at the time I I was talking to an acquaintance on the teachings of God and Jesus Christ, and we spoke the words of comfort and instruction given by the Master, who looked to be as he really is, not only as he appears. And suddenly a woman appeared and told me I was close by and listened indifferently what we were talking, and no middle ground, she told us today that it makes little sense to talk about God or Jesus, they are out of fashion. I responded to it, if God is out of fashion, I live out of fashion. In the days following that meeting I was reading some ensimentos, and reflect on the 10 commandments of God and one of Jesus, and have seen that are not ensimamentos that are in or out of fashion, therefore, is trendy means frailty, and how May God is trendy if it is eternal, we can understand is that the standard human, that is not consistent with the standards of God, so God by human design, is already out of fashion to time.
Flagrante: persistência
Há 14 anos
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