This wonderful text written by the great lawyer Maria Berenice Dias, active in the fight for the rights of wronged and invisible to the eyes of many. I would like to congratulate you for the courage and attitude, talking about a very common theme and unknown by many people who avail themselves of an act masterminded and selfish.
This article is available on the link at the end of the text.
Syndrome of parental alienation, what is it?
Maria Berenice Dias
She is a lawyer specializing in law homosexual, Family Law and Succession
It was the first judge of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul, was the first woman to join the judiciary Rio Grande do Sul.
Integrates the Technical Board of the Community Center of the Brazil Without Homophobia, developed by the Federal Government.
Judge of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul, national vice president of the Brazilian Institute of Family Law (IBDFAM)
Certainly everyone involved in the study of family conflict and violence in interpersonal relationships have come across a phenomenon that is not new, but that has been identified by more than one name. Some call the "syndrome of parental alienation," others of "implantation of false memories."
This subject is beginning to attract attention because it is a practice that has been denounced on repeated occasions. Its origin is linked to the intensification of the structures of family life, which gave rise, as a result, more involved parents with children. Thus, when the separation of parents, came to be among them a dispute over the custody of the children, something unthinkable until some time ago. Rather, the naturalization of the mother function meant that the children stayed in the custody of the mother. The father left only the right to visits in predetermined days, usually on weekends weekend.
Meetings as a charge for taxes so do not feed close ties of affection, the trend is the cooling of complicity that only the living brings. Loosening the ties of affection, is the distance, making visits tenuous. Thus, the meetings end protocol: an obligation for the parent and often an ordeal for the children.
But now you are living a different era. Changed the concept of family. The primacy of emotion in the identification of family structures has led to the assessment of what is called emotional affiliation. Thanks to the interdisciplinary treatment has been practicing family law, passed to bring greater attention to issues of psychological, allowing the recognition of the presence of emotional harm by the absence of living paternal branch.
The evolution of customs, which led the woman out of home, called the man to participate in household chores and take care of the offspring. Thus, when the separation, the father went on to claim the custody of the offspring, the establishment of joint custody, flexible schedules and the intensification of visits.
However, often the rupture of married life in the mother generates feelings of abandonment, rejection, betrayal, an emerging trend vindictive too large. When not properly prepare the grief of separation, triggering a process of destruction and demoralization, to discredit the former spouse. Seeing the father's interest in preserving the living with the child, wants to avenge himself, away from this parent.
To do so creates a number of situations in order to hamper the maximum or to prevent visitation. Take the child to reject his father to hate him. In this process the American psychiatrist Richard Gardner rated "syndrome of parental alienation" program a child to hate the parent without any justification. This is a real campaign to demoralize the parent. The child is used as an instrument of aggression toward the partner. The mother monitors the time of the child with the other parent and also their feelings towards him.
The child, who loves his parent, is taken away from him, who also loves her. This generates feelings of conflict and destruction of the bond between them. Leaving orphans alienated parent end up identifying with the parent pathological, by accepting as true all that you are informed.
The keeper of the guard to destroy the child's relationship with the other, took complete control. Unos become inseparable. The father is regarded as an intruder, an intruder to be away at any price. This set of maneuvers to alienate gives pleasure in his career to promote the destruction of the former partner.
In this game of manipulation, all weapons are used, including the assertion of having been the victim of child sexual abuse. The narrative of an episode during the visits that can configure evidence of attempted incestuous approach is enough. It follows from that fact, true or not, termination of incest. The child is convinced of the existence of a fact and led to repeat what he is said to have actually happened. Not always the child can discern what is being manipulated and just believing what they were told so insistent and repeated. Over time, the mother can not distinguish the difference between truth and falsehood. Its true becomes true for the son, who lives with false characters in a false existence, implanting is therefore false memories.
This news, reported to a pediatrician or a lawyer, triggering the worst situation that a professional may encounter. Distressing situation of who is informed of this fact. On the other hand, there is a duty to take immediate action, and the other, the fear that if the complaint is not true, is a traumatic situation in which the child will be involved, as will be deprived of contact with the parent who may did not cause him any harm and with whom he has a very good living.
The trend, in general, is immediately bring the matter to the judiciary, seeking the suspension of visits. Given the gravity of the situation, the judge has found no alternative but to suspend the appropriate visitation and determine the performance of social and psychological studies to assess the veracity of it has been reported. Because these procedures are time consuming - in fact, the result of professionals' involved - throughout this period ceases coexistence between the father and son. Needless to decline the consequences that the abrupt cessation of the visits can provide and the constraints that the numerous interviews and tests that the victim is subjected to concentrated on identifying the truth.
At most visits are set so tracked in the company of others, or on the premises of the forum, a place that can not be more inappropriate. And all in the name of preserving the child. As the mother's intention is to stop living together, boycotted the meetings are being used all kinds of devices that do not materialize the visits.
The most painful - and almost always occurs - is the result of a series of evaluations, tests and interviews that take place over the years has not been conclusive. Once again faced the judge in a dilemma: whether to maintain the visits, only allow visits with or terminate the family power, and finally, maintain the bond of membership or order the child to the condition that no father alive whose only crime possibly may have been too love the child and want to have it in your company. Maybe if he had not expressed interest in closer ties of living, not subject to the false imputation of a crime he did not commit.
Given the difficulty of identifying the presence or absence of episodes reported, necessary that the judge makes a special attention.
There is no other choice but to seek to identify the presence of other symptoms to recognize that we are facing the syndrome of parental alienation and that the complaint of abuse was carried out in a spirit of revenge, as a tool to end the relationship with the child the parent. Therefore, it is essential not only to participation of psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers, with their reports, studies and tests, but also to empower the judge to be able to distinguish the feeling of hatred that leads to exaggerated desire for revenge to the point of program the child to play with the false claims only to order him out of the parent.
Given the immediate suspension of the visits or determining the monitoring of the meetings, the feeling of the guardian is the victory of, achieved its purpose: it broke the bond of fellowship. Not mindful of the evil that caused the child, the psychological damage it has inflicted upon it.
We have to remember that this is also a form of abuse that endangers the emotional health of a child. She just going through a crisis of loyalty, because loyalty to one parent means disloyalty to the other, which creates a feeling of guilt when, in adulthood, said that this was an accomplice of a great injustice.
These issues should all be more alert. It can no longer stay silent on these Machiavellian strategies that are gaining popularity and are growing alarmingly.
A false complaint of sexual abuse can not earn the blessing of Justice, on behalf of full protection, so often precipitated or without regard to what really may have happened, is breaking the bond of living together as essential to the healthy development and comprehensive children's development.
Caught the presence of parental alienation syndrome, is essential for accountability of the parent who acts this way to be cognizant of the difficulty of gauging the veracity of the facts and uses the child with vengeful purpose. Mister you feel that there is a risk, for example, loss of custody, the case remains evident falsity of the complaint carried out. Without strong punishment attitudes that undermine the healthy development of the child and endangering her emotional balance, certainly continue to increase this wave of complaints carried out irresponsibly.
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Flagrante: persistência
Há 14 anos
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