quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2009



Introduction: We arrived at the last part of our study on the doctrine of breach of curses. In this class we will study about what the true curse, why it come on man, its causes and how blessing can come on man.

I) God's blessing God always wants to bless the man (Gen. 1:28; At 3.25,26; Gal 3:14; I Pe3. 9). Actually no harm comes from the Lord (Ps 5.4; Tg 1.16,17). When God created man, did his image and likeness (Gen 1:26), made man to live in his presence, and reflect his glory, made the man so that he would not die and have eternal life, a life blessings. The greatest happiness for the man was living in the presence of its creator.

II) The entry of the curse While the man lived in the presence of its creator, there was some curse on the earth. The curse did not come from God but from sin! God only gave the verdict of the act performed by man. When man disobeyed his creator, he has sinned, bringing upon himself the curse, the fruit of sin with all its consequences (Gen. 3:1-7 / sin: Genesis 3. 14-19 / the curse, the result of sin).
What was the curse of sin? First the separation of the Creator (Romans 3:23)! Then soon after, all the consequences that sin brings, namely: suffering (Gen. 3.19), pain (Genesis 3:16), all land was contaminated (Gn3.17) and finally to death in all its aspects (Gen. 3.19B physical, spiritual, Ephesians 2.12-14 and 2nd death Rev. 2:11). Sin came through one man and with it the death (Rm5.12).

All mankind was under the curse of sin! Death is the most terrible consequence of sin! Anyone who did not give his life to Jesus Christ, is under a curse!

III) The entry of blessing God did not want the man stayed away from him (II Thessalonians 5.9), it was the Lord's will for man to be in communion with him, God wanted to give life to this man and bless you with his love, the Lord, then, soon began working to restore the man. We see the Word of God that all means of man's creative approach is futile, God also showed that there was only one way to bless the man. When we see the law, for example, God puts blessings and curses on the man and gives him free will to choose the book of Deuteronomy 27.11-28.68, "break" also advises men to choose a blessing to live (Deuteronomy 30.15 -20). We can see the blessing conditional on obedience to God, however, man seems unable to obey the Lord alone.
Being unable to obey God and his sinful heart, God sent his Son (John 3:16) so that through him our heart to be transformed (Jer 24:7; John 3.3-7, Heb 8.10,10.16) and then by the power the Holy Spirit, we obey God and be pleasing (Ezekiel 36.26,27; Jo1.12, 13, 3.3-7; 14.16,17,26; Rm10.8, Gal 5.16).

Thus the blessings of God be upon the life of the believer. When we accept Christ, we move from darkness to light, from curse to blessing, from death to life! Everyone who, by faith, gave his life to Jesus, is under the blessings of God! See the text of Ephesians 1.3.

IV) How to pass the curse to blessing? It's very simple, you just believe in Jesus Christ, as it is written in Romans 10.9-13 For all these reasons, we conclude that it is impossible for Christian be cursed, or have in your life any sort of curse!

V) won Blessings and blessings to win In fact all the blessings we have already been secured and there is no way to lose them while we are in Christ. I would say that these blessings that the Lord has given us, are already ours by inheritance (we inherited Rm 8.17), however, many of them realized more fully when Jesus Christ to rapture his church and others when he set up his kingdom here on earth and others in eternity (Rev. 21.7).

This point causes much confusion because there are Christians who mistake the fact that the blessings already are our inheritance by faith in the Son of God with the fact that we have not yet glorified (receive a glorified body free from death, free of error, free of pain and diseases of any suffering I Corinthians 15:50; IT s 4:14, Rev. 21:4).

The earth itself will be completely restored. For an estate are required to be given the death of the testator and the verdict of justice, enforcing the will. The will now belongs to the heir, is only a matter of time until justice legalize every situation. In this case, the tester is that Jesus died to make us partakers of their inheritance, and he rose to defend our rights by proving that our sins have been paid, however, for the unbelievers, all this is still hidden (II Corinthians 4.3,4), until the top is manifested the only sovereign King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ! See the chart below for you to understand:

In this life, by faith, we are sure that all the blessings in Christ Jesus are ours! But: 1) Some God has given us, namely: The fullness of the Holy Spirit, the assurance of salvation, victory over sin, peace, joy, joy, sanctification, adoption, gifts, etc ...

2) Others are for the day of rapture, namely the glorious body (free from any disease, pain and suffering), the new Jerusalem, stand before the face of the Lamb, the awards, etc ...

3) other for the second coming, namely glorification before men, honor, etc ...

4) Others are for the millennium, namely: reign with Christ on earth (wealth and glory without equal), etc ...

5) other for eternity, namely eternal life and everything concerning this life, the new creation. However, all this is ours from the very moment of our conversion! My beloved, there is still a little while, and all this will materialize. There is a need for a brief moment we proved to the world to see that God is with us! The proof of our faith to the world is to serve God wholeheartedly.

You must suffer for a short time to have an eternity of joy! Woe to those who already received their reward. Woe to you rich! Woe to you who live laughing! Poor those who think that getting sick is a curse, who believe that they can not even get the flu, that believe in these false doctrines of the gospel! "Woe to you because they feel that the riches of this life are the true blessings, for the true blessing it is to serve Jesus !

Conclusion: We learned today that God wants to bless everyone. We have seen what is the real curse and how she entered the world, we also saw what a true blessing and as she enters the life of man. In this lesson you learned yet that we are blessed in Christ and now we are heirs to all these blessings by faith, however, some will still be implemented. I hope it was useful to this study and will clarify the beloved brother of the doctrine of breaking the curse and how she's kept from the truth! In the next lesson we will study another heresy.

Text Ricardo Correia de Mattos

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