domingo, 5 de dezembro de 2010



'N mooi teks te weerspieël die nuwe jaar.
Teks deur Kris D'Alo

Wat die mense verhoed daaropvolgende finansieel en het menigte in hulle lewens? Die antwoord is gewoonlik gefokus rondom die oortuiging dat finansiële sukses nie 'n moontlikheid. Baie mense skep verskeie hindernisse voorkom dat hulle uit die verwesenliking van oorvloed.
As jy 'beperkende oortuigings oor geld op' n onbewuste vlak, sal dit moeilik wees om finansiële beperkinge omdat jou onderbewuste verstand sal blok hul pogings om te slaag. Dit is hoekom sommige mense uiteindelik lewende salaris aan salaris lewe - op 'n sekere vlak van hulle glo nie dat hulle beter kan doen.
Hoewel daar 'n positiewe bedoeling agter sy finansiële struikelblokke, het baie mense nie identifiseer wat die bedoelings. Dan is daar diegene wat die positiewe bedoeling op 'n sekere vlak te verstaan, maar nog steeds nie weet hoe om hierdie struikelblokke te oorkom.
Baie mense dink bewuste vlak dat hulle alles moontlik om hul doelwitte te bereik doen. Daar is egter nog 'n paar dele van die onbewuste wat nie glo hulle kan slaag. Hoe meer 'n persoon vermy dat die onbewuste deel, hoe meer struikelblokke nog steeds sal vertoon in jou dag tot dag. Dit is die manier waarop die gedagte werke.
Byvoorbeeld, oorweeg 'n persoon wat jy ken wat elke boek oor dink lees en groei ryk ", woon finansiële seminare, sê daaglikse affirmasies en nog steeds geld probleme. Al hierdie dinge wat hy maak is geldig, maar dikwels bereik nie die "kern" van die probleem wat gewoonlik 'n soort van beperk geloof behels.
Mense het baie verskillende oortuigings oor die geld. Sommige van die mees algemene is:
Jy geld nodig het om geld te maak.
Ek het nie genoeg geld om planne te maak.
Ek is te oud, weet nie wat om te doen.
As ek belê, die mark sal sekerlik val.
Finansies is baie ingewikkeld.
Al hierdie is oortuigings oor die oorsaak en gevolg, wat werklik het min te doen oorvloed te bereik. So 'n geloof limiet mense, want hulle is op soek na antwoorde elders, terwyl dit in werklikheid die sleutel tot welvaart bestaan binne hulself.
Oorvloed is nie wat 'n persoon het. Dit is 'n state of mind. Baie mense wat daarin slaag om lewe in die finansiële aspek, het dikwels positiewe oortuigings oor voorspoed en oorvloed. Wanneer 'n mens verstaan en beweeg die gebied van die oorsaak en gevolg aan die idee van "Wat is moontlik?" in haar wêreld, sy beweeg na 'n totaal ander vlak, wat na alles is meer lonend, want dit is die uitbreiding van sy geestelike kontekste op die geld.
Baie mense, in plaas van te fokus op dit wat moontlik is, spandeer te veel tyd te dink oor wat hulle doen nie. 'N interessante patroon ontwikkel waarin hulle kwaad en haat oor hul situasie, wat skep meer beperkinge en struikelblokke in hul lewens. Dit is baie makliker om vorentoe te kom in die lewe wanneer jy kom tot 'n vreedsame gemoed teenoor' n kwaad en haat. Die eerste stap om te help 'n persoon is die aard van jou probleem te verken.
Byvoorbeeld, kan die persoon gehad het ouers wat geleef het in armoede en dus gevorm van 'n mentaliteit van "Depressie era." Om hierdie rede, het sy ontwikkel 'n bewustelose oortuiging dat jy altyd geld probleme het want dit is wat hul ouers gedoen het. Of sy mag gehad het 'n pa wat hom vertel herhaaldelik dat hulle nog nooit die probleem, en uiteindelik het hulle begin om te glo.
Dit is baie algemeen vir kinders onbewustelik te vorm beperkende oortuigings oor geld sedert kinderjare. Hierdie tipe van beperkende oortuigings word aangebied as "imprints" in NLP. 'N druknaam is basies' n geheue wat op 'n vroeë ouderdom gevorm is, en kan dien as' n bron vir beide die beperking van geloof as aan die bemagtiging van oortuiging dat ons vorm as kinders.
Sommige van die oortuigings wat ons kan ontwikkel in die kinderjare is nie altyd gesond, en is geskep as 'n gevolg van' n traumatiese of verwarrend ervaar dat ons vergeet. Die manier waarop ons bewus of onbewus, sien ons die wêreld in terme van geld is gewoonlik gebaseer op die geloof.
Identifiseer die beperkende oortuigings is die eerste stap. Sodra jy geïdentifiseer wat sommige van hierdie oortuigings / publikasies, jy verskillende NLP-tegnieke kan gebruik om te beweeg deur middel van die hindernisse is, sodat jy om te sien en al die finansiële geleenthede wat normaalweg tot sy beskikking ervaring.
Oortuigings oor die moontlikhede
Die belangrikste sielkundige verskil tussen diegene wat finansieel goed doen en diegene wat nie draai om oortuigings oor die moontlikhede. Byvoorbeeld, het baie mense nie view finansiële sukses as 'n opsie. Hulle het die vermoë om al die moontlikhede wat beskikbaar is vir die bereiking van oorvloed te verken.
Dikwels kry hulle vas in die roetine van die daaglikse lewe en nie bereid is om risiko's te neem of iets anders probeer, want hulle is bang vir eindig erger as wat dit is. Wat hierdie mense nie besef nie is dat dit is algemeen om 'n stap terug te neem om vorentoe te beweeg.
Baie miljoenêrs het gebreek op 'n sekere punt in hul lewens dan in' n kort tydperk, draai heeltemal om 'n beter jou finansiële situasie. Daarbenewens doen hulle dit glo dat jou nuwe besigheid so sal groei dat hulle 'n goeie salaris plus' n aansienlike wins is verdien.
Nie almal moet risiko's te neem of 'n stap terug te neem om voort te kry, maar dit is belangrik om bewus te verken die idee van wat moontlik is vir jou. Te omhels die idee, eers moet jy die vermoë het om hul daaglikse roetine te verander deur iets anders. Dit sluit in die leer van die wêreld om te sien deur die oë van welvaart en oorvloed in plaas van 'n gebrek en armoede.
Probeer dit vir 'n oomblik:
Dink aan iets wat jy wil en al die moontlikhede wat jy het om dit te bereik. Vra jouself, "Is dit moontlik?"
Nou probeer iets anders.
Dink oor iets wat jy het nie, maar ek sou graag wou hê. Dink oor hoekom jy dit nie het nie en hoe jy wil kan jy dit kan hê.
Kennis watter een laat jou beter voel.
Ek hoop dat die eerste verklaring wat jy voel beter, want dit was ontwerp om jou onbewuste en bewuste oor welvaart en oorvloed uit te brei. Dit is ongelooflik wat kan gebeur met 'n persoon een keer het hy verander sy houding en oortuigings oor die moontlikhede. Mens begin resultate te byna dadelik sien. Die veranderinge mag klein wees, maar as hulle hul nuwe manier van dink te omhels, 'n magiese wêreld word toeganklik vir haar.
Byvoorbeeld, baie jare gelede 'n aantal van die Viëtnamese "wat geleef het op bote" immigreer na die Verenigde State. Baie Amerikaners is bekommerd oor die impak wat dit sou maak in die gesondheidsorg en ander regeringsdienste as gevolg van hierdie mense kom in die land. Dit was baie interessant, want baie van die Viëtnamese wat hul eie ondernemings begin het hulself baie goed. Hoekom het dit gebeur?
'N duidelike antwoord kan word nie omdat die Vietnamese kom van' n land waar as jy sê die verkeerde ding, kan jy doodgemaak word. Toe kom hulle nader aan die Verenigde State waar die ergste ding wat kan gebeur is iemand te bel en kla oor 'n wetsontwerp wat nog nie betaal nie.
As jy kom uit 'n wêreld waar die dood is' n werklikheid van tyd tot tyd na 'n plek waar opsies is eindeloos, so daar is geen rede om nie alles te probeer. In plaas van voel hartseer oor wat hul land te verlaat, het hulle is dankbaar om te leef. In plaas daarvan om in 'n slegte bui en pyn, het baie van hulle het' n kreatiewe houding wat gedraai het rondom die vraag: "Wat is moontlik?"
Toe hulle hier weg geskuif, twee of drie Viëtnamese families in 'n beperkte ruimte. Hulle het uitgegaan en het die minimum loon werk en het al die geld wat hulle verdien. Toe hulle het genoeg geld, koop 'n besigheid en die hele gesin het saam gewerk. Wanneer die besigheid begin om te slaag, hulle gekoop het, 'n eiendom. Na die aankoop van 'n ander, en so het hulle gegaan het.
Vir hierdie Viëtnamees, sukses is 'n bevestiging van wat moontlik is, want alles was vir hulle moontlik. Hulle was bereid om te ly vir 'n tyd die lang termyn doel van oorvloed en welvaart te bereik. Dit was bloot 'n kwessie van prioriteit en hoe hulle gekategoriseer die verskillende moontlikhede. Mense kan doen wat hulle wil. Die vraag is: wat is hulle bereid om te doen om jou doel te bereik?

Patience is a virtue

It is very common for most people in Germany to save money for a purchase order they want to do. In Germany, the only debt that many have is the mortgage on their homes and what they should purchase the car. In other countries it is common for people to abuse the credit cards and get in huge debt beyond the traditional house and car.
Many Germans are happy to save for something special, because it looks forward to the reward will get what they want. And soon to obtain, immediately start saving for your next item or for a vacation.
It's interesting how the Germans have the ability to delay instant gratification that a debit card can bring. It is with anticipation and excitement that await the day they get what they want. They do not regret for a minute that they are obliged to set aside money to reach your next goal. Instead, they focus on how they are grateful for what they have, and wait patiently to get what they want.
The ability to delay gratification is a skill to master, a triumph of the reasoning brain over the impulsive, according to Daniel Goleman, Ph. D., who wrote the book Emotional Intelligence. The author concludes that people who are able to exercise patience to delay gratification are more likely to succeed in life.
Goleman documents a study that was conducted in 60 in which a researcher invites children to a common room, one by one, and gives each one a marshmallow. "You can have this marshmallow right now," he says, "but if you wait a little while I go out for a moment, when I return I bring another marshmallow." And then he leaves.
Apparently, some kids take the marshmallow immediately and others wait a few minutes before they fall into temptation. But others are determined to wait. They close their eyes, sing, bow their heads, play a game or even fall asleep. They will do anything to resist. When the researcher returns, he gives the second marshmallow they won.
A survey of parents of children and the teachers found that those with four years of age had the ability to endure waiting for the second marshmallow generally grow up being better adjusted, more popular, adventurous, confident and teens safer.
According to Goleman, is conclusive evidence that patience seems to play a leading role in the success of many people. The ability to resist the impulse can be developed through practice.
When you encounter an immediate temptation, how to spend money on something you really do not need to remember their long-term financial goals. Reframe your current financial situation to realize that you really are saving for an abundant future.
If people were willing to suffer a little by spending less because they can invest those savings later, so they are on track to achieve prosperity.
Abundance is a state of mind
Often people who are confused with how much money they earn. Whether someone wins a million dollars per year or only fifteen thousand, one still has the capacity to attain a certain degree of abundance in your life.
For example, when the Nazis occupied Germany, there were very rich people in society who have had their lives torn apart and they ended up in concentration camps. Viktor E. Frankle and Anne Frank were in extreme poverty, but still had an abundant life.
Viktor E. Frankle, in his book "Man's Search for Meaning," says one thing that the person has and that can never be stolen is your attitude.
"We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving them their last piece of bread. They could be few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last freedom. Choose your own attitude in any situation, is to choose your own path. "
Frankle, a psychologist, has adopted a creative attitude that helped him survive the nightmare of a concentration camp. He was able to manifest abundance inner exercising their right to do so. When he left, this attitude led him on a path towards achieving and living a prosperous life.
Prosperity, abundance and eigenvalue
When you think about prosperity, it is helpful to understand what is a resource that flows through us. We are a channel for abundance. Once this is realized, we begin to identify the fact that we ourselves who choose how to channel this feature. Viktor Frankle made this distinction in a concentration camp. He was stripped of each of its material possessions, including his shoes. The only thing he had left was his ability to believe in yourself and embrace the idea that he was still a good person, despite the fact that you have taken everything.
This is an important distinction to make, because then having money is no longer a matter of self-worth. Money does not determine who you are, is simply a resource. Having a strong inner sense of self is what is truly important. Money is merely an external element. Once people stop comparing your self-worth with money, the doors of possibilities open up because they're willing to try other things. They feel good about themselves, they become less fearful and are open to trying something completely different.
It's just a matter of saying to yourself, "Here's the result I want and there are several ways to achieve it. Several possibilities. If one does not work, so I'll try another one."
And if the next does not work, simply feedback that you need to try something else. That does not mean you're a failure or a terrible person. It simply means that there is something out there that will eventually work and something that is outside of you. You house is still the same person.
Measuring only one eigenvalue of the amount of money that one has can be devastating. For example, here was a woman who had 17 million dollars set aside in a trust fund by her parents. This fund would yield at least $ 800,000 a year and would last all his life. This person found their identity and self worth in the lifestyle that she lived and how much she had. For example, once shopping spree, she spent $ 18,000 in the lingerie section of department store.
Most of the actions she took when it came to spending large sums of money were the result of comparing herself to her sister. The sister was in the same situation and they had a trust fund that paid a lot. However, his sister never looked at money as an aspect of their identity. She never determined their self-worth by how much she had.
For her, all that money meant she had something to fall if there was ever a problem in the future. She married and started several businesses with her husband. Were extremely successful in their own right and, after some years, income from trust fund it has become relatively small compared with the profits from the businesses they had developed.
It is interesting because the woman who based their identity and self worth in their funds, spending large sums of money to keep up with her sister. She eventually went bankrupt. This is an extreme example of someone who measures their self worth by how much money you have.
The woman's situation became more complicated when she started comparing herself with her sister, who is also a statement about their self worth. It is common for a person to compare their financial status with anyone, and sadly, this is the source of much emotional pain that people carry. People tend to compare themselves to friends, coworkers, family members and many others.
When people compare themselves with someone, what they're doing is really a trial between themselves and the other person. At some level, they are basing their identity and self-worth on external elements.
When someone decides to compare and judge less frequently, will begin to notice amazing changes in his life because he'll be viewing life from the inside looking out. He will be internally referenced, which will increase their self worth and identity because he will determine who he is from your own heart. He will not give more to other people the opportunity to determine who he is, because he'll know in a more profound and spiritual ..
When one compares to another, there is a positive intention behind his behavior, even though the behavior may appear to have fewer resources. When she begins to understand these positive intentions, and they often revolve around self-worth and identity, it will begin to heal the wound unconscious that is preventing it from reaching prosperity and abundance. Again, this is where limiting beliefs and imprints come into play.
The identity of a person is not something that happens suddenly as if by magic. It's something the person builds over time. She has experience and interpret this experience in his brain. Take this experience gives her some level of discretion and stores. And at some level, she says "I draw on that experience." She has other experiences, stacking one on top of another. Many people tend to select and discard the negative positive. For a while, one begins, on purpose to pile in one direction and discards everything else. We are creatures of disposal. The positive intention behind choosing the negative is to protect the person from having another negative experience again.
In the end, one also forgets to choose the positive. She needs to learn to absorb all their positive experiences to balance. When a person brings within itself all the elements of a positive experience and removes the negative parts, she begins to realize that negative information is not on it. This makes it easier to hold on to all the positive aspects of a situation, and integrate them while free of the negative.
Get rid of the negative aspects of a situation, while integrating the positive, with the passage of time will dramatically change the financial situation of a person because she begins to develop a stronger sense of self worth. Instead of basing your self-worth on external elements of a paycheck, she develops a strong sense of self worth that gives you courage to try new things and expand their opportunities.
For example, there was a janitor who earned about $ 1,800 a month. After working some of his beliefs with NLP and some financial planning, he decided to start his own business. Started saving money and bought all the supplies she needed. He got a contract for cleaning close to his work and hired someone to perform the contract. He then got another and hired another to help him. After a while, he decided to quit his job and started his own cleaning company. He eventually, he realized a tremendous increase in his monthly salary and a sense of freedom they had never experienced before.
He was still doing the janitorial work. What changed was his self-worth. Instead of thinking "Oh, I'm just a caretaker, I can not do anything else, I am not very smart," he began thinking, "What is possible?" Everyone needs someone to come in and clean. The houses and schools need. They're hiring me to do that, then why do not I just get the other side of the fence and start my own business.
That's how you explore the possibilities. It begins with a dream. Then it's a matter of turning that dream into reality .. When a person begins to accept their own self worth and is open to the idea that it is possible, it attracts abundance and prosperity into your life. The outside world is a reflection of our inner world. If someone in his heart, is feeling well, this is often reflected in their appearance, and it will attract positive experiences into your life. This is how life works.

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