Those who do not know the famous story in which one of the sons of Jacob, having been sold by the brothers and taken to travelers ismaelitas to Egypt would have to go through so many events, and this is one among others. This story is in Genesis, the first book of Moses. In which the prosecution now portrays Joseph, who had been repeatedly harassed by the wife of Potifar [eunuch and he was captain of the guard of Pharaoh], and the accuser of Joseph, the scriptures make no reference on their behalf. Many times the wife of Potifar tried to seduce Joseph, he did everything, I believe that modern would have done to what Demi Moore did to interpret a dancer of SripTeaser, or even crossed legs several times, like those conducted by Sharon Stone in Instinto Selvagem . But none of that late, because the young Joseph, who had won the confidence of his master (Potifar), which delegated to it all the responsibilities of his house. Joseph understood that betrayal was not only against his master Potifar but against the God of your father Jacob Thus continued attempts by many, now Demi Moore, Sharon Stone outas, but nothing happened. So astutely decided to use all their ardilosidade. I hope that men of the guard out of home, and more Demi and Sharon, now with the physical contact, Jose tried to force, but it did not want what he could, ran, ran. But the slick got the cover of Joseph, and with the cover in hand screamed, his cry was heard in all corners of the house of Potifar. Has only to Joseph, who was accused by the wife of Potifar have tried taking her to the bed strength. Potifar came when he saw the eyes of his beloved wife filled with tears crocodilians, not resisted and believed in its history, and better yet, nor wanted to know the version of Joseph, he had to see the sunrise on a non-rounded. Facts like this happening live among us, is to understand that we all have the right to defense, containing the facts, but the ardilosidade many still do and will present, use the wings to tell distorted versions, not to speak in front receido to be unmasked. Better yet, talk behind, and unless the other will speak, is cause for credit. Imagine, even if Joseph did anything, certainly not Potifar believe. Joseph knew that, so that neither wanted to defend himself. So to all who are accused in some way by people with the indole of that woman of Potifar have calm that life takes its own course. Wait. Joseph waited, was arrested, interpreting dreams, was the second man in Egypt, receiving orders only from Pharaoh, the following advice for Joseph, coseguiu overcome the famine that shook the whole Egypt for 7 years.
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