sábado, 28 de março de 2009

Listen your heart

Men have afraid to do their dreams because they believe more than they deserve, or will not it! But the fear is not something specific. It is in their hearts! The hearts die of fear only to think of love that have left for ever ... In moments that could have been good and were not ... When this happens, we suffer much heart and is afraid of suffering. But the fear is worse than the suffering. No heart ever suffered when he was in search of its dreams, because every time a search is a time of life, energy, meeting with God and with eternity. Listen ... then your heart! Nobody can escape it. So you better listen to what he speaks not to a coup that you will not wait, because you will never keep it quiet. Even Pretend not to hear what he says, he is within his chest, repeating what you think about life and the world ... The day ... All the time ... Good! So listen to your heart.
To: Teacher Cleberson. tenderly his student: Gláucia Mirânnia.
May, 20. 2008

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