sábado, 28 de março de 2009

Not given the direction of his live to anyone

"take your life in your hands, not the direction given to anyone. Much love to you, whatever your desire well, only you can know what really feels, and what you spend for the print the other, not always correspond to what's on your mind. How many times you've smiled to conceal a tear stubborn how often all you wanted was a hug, a consolation, a friend and just received word ingratitude. How many steps were needed to get to where you came? Criticizing is easy, but use your shoes no one wants to, wear their pain nobody wants to know their problems, if only for curiosity. So, not delivered to his life in the hands of anyone , nothing to believe that without this or that person, you will not live. You live, yes, the world still turning, and if you leave, you can bring something better. Take control of your life and point to where the card says " path of the sun "and the curve of the happiness that awaits you without hurry, to live with intensity and love, peace, harmony and happiness.
To: Teacher: Cleberson. Tenderly his student: Gláucia Mirânnia.
May, 20.2008

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