quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012


A very good text about something as visible to our eyes, but by the orchestration multifaceted control mechanisms could not get a reading of the real situation in which we find ourselves. The text is Jean François Brient and Victor Fuentes León. In which emphasizes that we are consumed daily by the media, which encourage us to consume more and more for the simple pleasure of owning and not by real need to have. We do not realize we are being consumed by the insatiable desire of human beings, as well as encouraged to do so, thus we become servants, zombies wandering flowing through the corners of the earth. MODERN servitude "My optimism is based on the certainty that this civilization will crumble. My pessimism in everything it does to drag us into their fall. "Jean-François Brient A VOLUNTARY servitude "What a terrible time this where idiots driving blind." King Lear, William Shakespeare. The modern servitude is slavery voluntarily accepted by that crowd of slaves that crawl the earth. They themselves buy the commodities that enslave them increasingly. They themselves run after work increasingly alienating, that is given generously are sufficiently tamed. They themselves choose the masters to whom they should serve. For this absurd tragedy could have happened, it was necessary to take this class, the ability to raise awareness of the exploitation and alienation of which they are victims. So that's weird modernity of the present time. Unlike the slaves of antiquity, the Middle Ages to the servants and the workers of the first industrial revolutions, today we are facing a totally slave class, which however does not realize this, or better yet, who does not want to see. They do not know the rebellion, which should be the only legitimate reaction of the exploited. Accept without question the pitiful life that was planned for them. The renunciation and resignation are the source of their misfortune. So here is the nightmare of modern slaves who only aspire to get carried away by the macabre dance of sale system. Oppression modernizes spanning all parts, forms of mystification that allow conceal our condition as slaves. Show reality as it actually is and not as it shows the power is the most authentic subversion. TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION AND THE HABITAT "Urbanization is taking the natural and human environment by capitalism, to develop into its logic of absolute domination, redo the entire space as their own scenario." Society of the Spectacle, Guy Debord. As man builds his world with the force of alienated labor, the scene of this world becomes the prison where they will live. A sordid world without taste or odor, which carries the misery of the dominant mode of production. This scenario is eternal construction. Nothing in it is stable. Remodeling permanent space that surrounds us is justified by generalized amnesia and insecurity in which they must live their inhabitants. It's redo everything the system image: the world becomes increasingly dirty and noisy, like a plant. Each installment of this world is owned by a State or a private individual. This theft is the social exclusive appropriation of the soil, is embodied in the omnipresence of walls, barriers, and borders ... They are the visible marks this separation that pervades everything. But at the same time, the unification of space, according to the interests of the merchant culture, is the great object of our sad time. The world must turn into a huge highway streamlined to the extreme, to facilitate the transport of goods. Every obstacle, natural or human, must be destroyed. The environment where this throng servile mass is a true reflection of her life: resembling cages, the prisons, the caves. But unlike the slaves and prisoners, explored in modern times must pay for his cage. "Why is not the man, but the world has become a freak." Antonin Artaud. MERCHANDISE "At first glance, the merchandise seems a simple thing, trivial, obvious, but analyzing it, see if complicated, endowed with metaphysical subtleties and theological discussions." Das Kapital, Karl Marx. And this place is narrow and dismal, where the modern slave builds new goods which should, according to the ubiquitous advertisements, bring you happiness and fulfillment. But the more goods accumulates, the more it moves away from the opportunity to be happy. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36 The merchandise, ideological in essence, stripped of his work that he produces and stripped of his life that he consumes. In the dominant economic system, is no longer demand that determines the supply, but the supply that determines demand. So that's periodically, new needs arise that are quickly seen as vital to the majority of the population: first was the radio, then the car, the television, the computer and the cell phone now. All these goods distributed massively in a short period of time, profoundly changing human relationships: on the one hand serve to isolate the men a little more like her and also to spread the messages of the dominant system. The things that have end up owning us. The FEED "What becomes food for one is poison for another." Paracelsus. But when feeding is the modern slave illustrates the state of decay into which it is. Featuring an increasingly limited time to prepare food that ingurgita, he is forced to swallow fast that the agrochemical industry produces, missing by supermarkets in search of signs that society of false abundance consent to give. Ai yet, it can only the illusion of choice. Plenty of food products only conceals its degradation and its forgery. There are more than genetically modified organisms, a mixture of dyes and preservatives, pesticides, hormones and many other inventions of modernity. The immediate gratification is the rule of the dominant power mode, it is also the rule of all forms of consumption. And the consequences that illustrate this form of power see themselves everywhere. But poverty is opposite of most Western man who enjoys his position and his frantic consumerism. In view of this, the misery is everywhere totalitarian society where reigns the merchant. Scarcity is the reverse of the coin of false abundance. And a system that promotes inequality as a criterion of progress, even if the agrochemical production is enough to feed the entire world population, hunger should never disappear. We believe that man, kind sinner par excellence, the creation dominates. As if all the other creatures had been created only to serve them food, clothing, to be martyred and exterminated. Isaac Bashevis Singer The other consequence of food abundance is false generalization plants concentration and extermination massive and barbaric species that serve as food for slaves. This is the real essence of the dominant mode of production. The life and humanity can not resist the urge to ante benefit of certain individuals. DESTRUCTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT "How sad to think that nature speaks and mankind does not listen» Victor Hugo. And plunder the planet's resources, abundant energy production or goods, trash and debris from ostentatious consumption, mortgaging the possibility of survival of our Earth and the species that inhabit it. But to leave free rein to unbridled capitalism, economic growth should never stop. We must produce, produce and reproduce more. And even if polluters are presenting today as potential saviors of the planet. These imbeciles industry show sponsored by multinational companies try to convince us that a simple change in our habits would be enough to save the planet from disaster. And while blame us continue polluting without ceasing, our environment and our spirit. These poor pseudo-ecological theories are repeated by the corrupt politicians in their advertising slogans. But never propose a radical change in the production system. It is, as ever, to change some details so that everything remains as before. WORK Labour, Latin tripalium three sticks, instrument of torture. But to enter the round of frenetic consumption, it is necessary to have money and to get money, you have to work, or sell themselves. The dominant system did work your core value. And the slaves must work harder and harder to pay their credit life miserable. They are exhausted from working so hard, lose most of their energy and have to endure the worst humiliations. Spend your whole life doing a strenuous activity and insidious that is profitable only for some. The unemployment modern invention aims to frighten them and make them endlessly thank the generosity of power that proves so generous with them. What would do without this torture that is the job? And these activities are alienating that are presented as liberators. What meanness and misery! Always rushed by timer or by the whip, every gesture of slaves is calculated with the intention of increasing productivity. The scientific organization of labor is the real essence of expropriation of workers, is the fruit of their labor, but also the time they spend in the automatic production of goods or services. The role of the worker merges with the machine in the plants, with the computer in the workshops. The paid time does not return. Thus, each worker is assigned a repetitive work, be it physical or intellectual. He is an expert in their field of production. This specialization is the scale of the planet, within the international division of labor. It is conceived in the West, is produced in Asia, in Africa dies up. The COLONIZATION OF ALL SECTORS OF LIFE "Man is the integer that is conditional on productive behavior by the organization of work, and out of the factory it retains the same skin and the same head." Chistophe Dejours The modern slave would have been able to settle their servitude to work, but as the production system colonizes every sector of life, dominated wasting your time with leisure, with entertainment and holidays. At no time in their daily lives, he escapes the influence of the system that is part of every moment of your life. It is a full time slave. MEDICINE MERCANTIL "The medicine makes us more die ..." Plutarch. The origin of the evils of the modern slave is in widespread degradation of its environment, the air we breathe, and the food he consumes, the stress caused by their working conditions and the set of their social life. His condition subservient is an evil that never find remedy. Only the total liberation of the condition in which he finds himself, may allow the modern slave be freed from their sufferings. Western medicine knows only one remedy against the evils which suffer the modern slaves: the mutilation. It is based on surgery, chemotherapy or antibiotic that treats patients medicine market. Never attack the source of evil, but that the consequences for the reason that this search for the origin of evil lead us inevitably fatal to the conviction of social organization throughout its entirety. As it turned all the details of our world in mere commodity, the current system has made our body a commodity, an object of study and experiences for learners of pseudo-medicine market and molecular biology. The owners of the world are ready for patenting living beings. The complete sequence of human DNA is the starting point of a new strategy called into action for power. The genetic decoding has no other purpose than to amplify considerably the forms of domination and control. After all, our bodies do not belong to us. OBEDIENCE AS A SECOND NATURE "From both obey, submission of acquired reflexes." Anonymous. The best runs of his life between his fingers, but he goes well because it is already accustomed to always obey. Obedience became second nature. He obeys without knowing the reason why, simply because he knows that he must obey. Obey, produce and consume, behold the triptych that dominates his life. We obey parents, teachers, bosses, owners, merchants, also obey the laws, the police and all kinds of powers, because he can not do anything else. There is something that gives you more fear disobedience, since disobey, adventure, change, is very risky. Like a child who loses sight of their parents, the modern slave feels lost without the power that created it. Then he continues obeying. It is fear that has made us slaves and keeping us in this condition. We lowered the front of the head masters of the world, we accept this life of humiliation and misery only by fear. However, we have the numerical strength against this minority ruling. Their strength does not come out of their police, but our consent. We justify our cowardice in the face of legitimate confrontation against the forces that oppress us with a speech full of moralizing humanism. The rejection of revolutionary violence is rooted in the minds of those who oppose the name of the values that this same system taught us. But when it comes to retain its hegemony, power does not hesitate to make use of violence. REPRESSION AND VIOLENCE "Under a government which holds any man unjustly, the only decent place for a just man is also a prison." Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau. However, there are still individuals that are beyond the control of consciences, but they are under surveillance. Every act of rebellion or resistance is actually treated as a terrorist activity or diverted. Freedom only exists for those who defend the commercial imperatives. The real opposition to the dominant system, unfortunately, is totally illegal. For these opponents, repression is the rule in use. And the silence of the majority of slaves against this repression is justified in aspiration and media policy that denies conflict in society today. MONEY "What once was done" for the love of God, "today is done for the love of money, that is what today gives the feeling of higher power and good conscience." Aurora, Nietzsche. Like all oppressed beings in history, the modern slave need his mysticism and his god to anesthetize the evil that torments him and suffering that suffocates. But this new god, who gave his soul, is nothing more than nothing. A piece of paper, a number that makes sense only because everyone decided to give him. In the name of this new god he studies, he works, he fights and sells. In the name of this new god who abandoned their values and is willing to do anything. He believes that the more money has more be free of problems within which he is imprisoned. As possession walked hand in hand with freedom. The release is an asceticism that comes from self-control, a desire and a willingness to act. You and not be in the TER. But you need to decide to no longer serve or obey. We must also break this habit, apparently, nobody dares reproach. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE TO THE DOMINANT SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Acta est fabula (the part is represented) Now modern slave is convinced that there is no alternative organization in the world today. He resigned himself to this life because you think that there can be no other. And is there even if it is the strength of this domination: entertain the illusion that system that colonized the entire face of the earth is the end of history. Convinced the dominated class to adapt its ideology is how to adapt to the world as it is and shows how it has always been. Dreaming of another world became a crime unanimously criticized by the media and the public. The criminal is the one who actually contributes consciously or not, in dementia of the dominant social organization. There is no greater folly than the current system. IMAGE And ... if not, be it known O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up. Old Testament, Daniel 3:18. Faced with the devastation of the real world, it is necessary that the current system colonize the consciousness of slaves. That is why the ruling system, the forces of repression are preceded by deterrence, since childhood, realizes his work training slaves. They should forget their servile status, his arrest, and his life miserable. Just look at this crowd mesmerized front of screens that accompany their daily lives. They deceive their dissatisfaction with the ongoing reflection manipulated dreamed of a life made of money, glory and adventure. But his dreams are so pitiful as his life miserable. There are pictures to everyone and everywhere. These images carry with them the ideological message of modern society and serves as an instrument of unification and propaganda. Will grow as man is dispossessed of his world and his life. The child is the first victim of these images, because it is stifling freedom from the cradle. It is necessary to make them stupid and take them all capacity for reflection and criticism. All this is, of course, with the complicity of parents disconcerting that no one wants to look forward forcibly resist imposing of all modern means of communication. They themselves buy all the goods necessary to enslave their offspring. Misappropriate up the education of their children and leave the system and alienating poor, take care of her. There are pictures for all ages and all walks of life. Slaves confuse these images with modern culture and sometimes with art. They resort to the baser instincts to sell any merchandise. And the woman is doubly enslaved today's society, which pays the highest price. She is presented as a mere object of consumption. The revolt was also transformed into an image that sells best to destroy its subversive potential. The image is still, to this day, the most direct form of communication and more effective: it creates models, alienates the masses, lied, and promotes frustrations. Disseminate up-market ideology by the image, because the goal remains the same: sell life models or products, or goods behaviors. Selling is all that matters. THE FUN "The television alienates those that have, and those that do not." Patrick Poivre d'Arvor. These poor creatures have fun, but that fun only serves to distract them from the true evil that affects them. They let their lives do anything and pretend to feel proud of that. Attempt to convey a satisfaction, but nobody believes. They can not want to deceive themselves when faced with cold mirror reflection of life. So spend time with stupid they make you laugh and sing, cry or dream. Through sport is mediatized represents success and failure, efforts and victories, the modern slaves stopped living in their everyday lives. His dissatisfaction prompts him to live by proxy front of the television. Like the emperors of ancient Rome bought the allegiance of the people with bread and games nowadays is with amusement and consumption of emptiness you buy the silence of slaves. THE LANGUAGE "We believe that we have mastered the words, but the words that dominate us." Alain Rey The control of consciousness is essentially vitiated by the use of the language used by the ruling class economically and socially. Being the holder of all media, the diffuse power market ideology by defining petrified, partly false and he gives the words. The words are presented as neutral and its definition as evident. But being under control of power, language always means something very different from real life. It is primarily a language of resignation and powerlessness, the language of passive acceptance of things as they are and which should remain such. Words working on behalf of the dominant organization of life and the fact that using the language of power dooms us to impotence. The problem of language is at the center of the struggle for human emancipation. There is a form of domination that joins the others, but the very heart of the project submission totalitarian mercantile system. For a radical change arises again, we need a revival of radical language, and also the communication between real people. This is where the revolutionary project joins the poetic project. In popular effervescence, the word is taken and reinvented by large groups. The creative spontaneity takes possession of each and all of us together. THE ILLUSION OF VOTING AND PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY "Voting is abdicating." Élisée Reclus. However, even if modern slaves are as citizens. They really believe that they vote and decide freely who will drive their business. As if they still had a choice. Only preserved the illusion. Do you believe that there is still a fundamental difference in the choice of the society in which we want to live between the Socialist Party and the Populist Right in France between Democrats and Republicans in the United States, between Labour and Conservatives in the UK? There is no opposition, because the dominant political parties agree on the essential which is the conservation of the existing mercantile society. There are no political parties may come to power who doubt the market dogma. And who are these parties with the complicity monopolize media appearances. By discussing small details hoping that everything stays where it is. Fight for knowing who occupy the seats offered by commercial parliamentarism. These stupid squabbles are disseminated by the media in an attempt to hide a real debate on the choice of the society in which we wish to live. The appearance and futility dominate deeply defy and ideas. All this does not look nowhere near far from a democracy. Real democracy is defined first and foremost by the massive participation of citizens in the management of the interests of the city. She is direct and participatory and finds its greatest expression in the popular assembly and constant dialogue about the organization of common life. The parliamentary and representative way that usurps the name of democracy limit the power of the citizens for the simple right to vote, or to nothing, so real, that there is no difference between the light gray and dark gray. The parliamentary seats are occupied by the vast majority of the dominant economic class, be it right or left of the desired social-democratic. Power is not to be won, it must be destroyed. Power is by nature a tyrant, whether exercised by a king, a dictator or an elected president. The only difference in the case of parliamentary democracy is that slaves have the illusion that they can choose the same master they will serve. The right to vote has the same accomplices of tyranny overwhelming. They are not slaves because there are masters, but they decided to stay there because slave masters. The totalitarian SYSTEM MERCANTIL "Nature did not create masters nor slaves, I do not want to give or receive any laws." Denis Diderot. The dominant system is defined then by the omnipresence of ideology merchant. It occupies the same time all the space and all walks of life. She says nothing more to produce, sell, consume, accumulate! It reduced all human relations in merchant relationships and considers our planet as a mere commodity. The duty is imposed on us by the menial work. The only law is that it recognizes the right to private property. The only god he worships is money. The monopoly of appearance is total. Only men appear and speeches in favor dominant ideology. Criticism of this world is drowned in the sea media determines what is good or bad, what you can see or not. The ubiquity of ideology, the worship of money, monopoly of appearance, disguised as a single party parliamentary pluralism, absence of a visible opposition, repression in all its forms, will transform man and the world. Behold the true face of modern totalitarianism we call "liberal democracy", but it is necessary to call it by its real name: the totalitarian mercantile system. The man, society and the whole of our planet are at the service of this ideology. The mercantile system accomplished what no totalitarian totalitarianism done before: unify the world its image. Today there is no longer possible exile. OUTLOOK As the oppression spans all sectors of life, the revolt takes social aspect of war. Riots reborn and announce the coming revolution. The destruction of the totalitarian mercantile society is not a matter of opinion. It is an absolute necessity in a world that is condemned already. For the power is on all sides, should be everywhere all the time and we should fight it. The reinvention of language, the permanent disorder of everyday life, disobedience and resistance are the magic words of revolt against the established order. But for this revolt a revolution arises, you must gather the subjectivities into a common front. It is the unity of all revolutionary forces that should work. This can only be achieved when we are aware of our past failures: not the sterile reformism nor totalitarian bureaucracy can not be a solution to our dissatisfaction. This is to invent new forms of organization and struggle. Self-management in companies and direct democracy on the scale communal constitute the foundations of this new organization is to be anti-hierarchical in form and in content. Power is not to be won, it must be destroyed. "Gentlemen, life is too short ... If we live, we live to walk on the heads of kings." Henry IV. William Shakespeare.

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