Text: Psalm No. 109.17-20,28
Controversial issue and now that unfortunately is part of the doctrinal body of some evangelical denominations, the doctrine of breach of curses have spread and been accepted even by sincere Christians, without being aware that this is heresy.
The serious of all is that this doctrine makes the sacrifice of Christ enough to free them from all evil, as if words and curses had power greater than that of Christ on our lives. Indirectly, put believers under fear.
This doctrine is of God, a God inconsequential, it will make the most ridiculous things possible, if they are uttered by our lips.
THE FANS BELIEVE THIS DOCTRINE on four main points, namely:
1) There is power in words;
2) The Christian can be cursed;
3) Curses past can influence the life of the Christian and should be broken;
4) There are hereditary curses.
Let's see what this means:
1) In the 1st paragraph
They say the words we speak can change the lives of others, for example: the mother who lives calling the daughter of a prostitute one day you can see her daughter becoming a prostitute, the father always saying that your child stupid, certainly will cause it to turn a donkey, if we say that a person is sick it can get sick.
At this point is given a certain mystical power of our words, this power is placed on God's will or free will of the people.
Please note that this is not the child will be taught or influenced by the wrong parents, or discouraged, the doctrine says that the words become a dumb person regardless of anything.
We believe that discouraged when our children or any other person, that person's chances to win will be lower due to lack of support and encouragement, but there are people who have been completely abandoned in childhood and are real winners. It is worth remembering that we must be careful what we say in order not to hurt yourself grieve the next, more there to think that our words are magical, this is absurd!
Because they think that words can curse, and those who believe in this heresy live for "undo" what they said wrong and live in fear of turning people into something.
The worst of all is that the supporters of this doctrine believe that God will make happen whatever we say whether they are bad things, or the most absurd possible!
Our words can offend, grieve and to cause deep wounds, so we must temper our words. If we offend someone, we apologize because we are in sin if we do not.
2) In the 2nd paragraph:
The doctrine of breaking curses says that the Christian may be cursed, or any word thrown against a servant of the Lord, if not reprimanded take effect, even more serious if it is said in secret in this way then, should be discovered !
Here one should also consider the fact that they believe that macumbas spells and take the believers.
The breaking of curses says that often the life of the believer does not "go forward" because of the believer to be carrying a curse of the past. Example: guy has not been freed from homosexuality because his father in the past said he would be a "flower", as he did not discover this fact, it could not be freed. John Doe is poor because his mother said in the past that he would never be rich.
4) ITEM NO 4
This doctrine says that the terrible problems of the believer can be inherited curses, to say that there are kindred spirits working in the life of certain Christian family. We can cite the following example, one brother is poor, because his grandfather had a curse of poverty that was passed to his father and finally to him, even after his conversion is necessary to find this curse and then break it and that brother have their problems solved.
The doctrine of breach of curses is linked with regression therapy, as these, they say, are one way to find out what the curse that is acting in the life of the believer.
We will now refute each of the biblically points analyzed more before I make it clear that people are not released because they did not break curses, but people are not released when they give their lives totally to the Lord.
Read about it in John, chapter 8, verse 36.
The principle on which the words have magical powers of action hurt at least three points clear in the Word of God, namely the free will given to man and his responsibility, God's justice and love of God.
See what the Bible teaches us:
Rm 2. 6-11; Gal 6. 7-9 - We are responsible for our actions.
How could God let your servant "turn into" dumb just because someone had called that?
Job 42.2; Is 43.13; I Timothy 6.15,16; I John 5:14 - God is sovereign and will never be influenced by our words wrong!
II Timothy 2.11-13 - If we are faithless, God is certainly true to his word and not take the guilty innocent.
Remember that bigger is what is with you, so there is no voodoo against the servant of God, there is a curse that can get you down! Read the following texts:
Nm 23:23 and I John 4.4.
The cause of the curse is sin and Christ became a curse for us that we are free from any curse (Gal. 3:13)
Actually, that curse is to be cursed (Psalm 109.17-20)
If someone curses you, my beloved, fear not, for God will turn this curse into a blessing! (Gen 50.20; Sl 109. 28).
See the following examples:
Abraham GN12. 1-3
David I Sam 17. 43
Only you can even "the curse", because sin is that it brings bad consequences for our lives.
The very act of cursing someone is a sin, so cursing is that it is cursed, so also the Word of God teaches us that we should not curse anyone! Lc
6:28, Romans 12:14 and James 3:10.
It is worth noting also the example of the nation of Israel while they were in communion with God, there could be damned, we are the Israel of God and are under the blessings of the Lord!
According to the heresy of the doctrine of breach of curses that we are studying, curses past, as the word already says, are those that have been said against the person in the distant past or the next, often made even by their own parents. These curses may have been launched against the person even in the fetal period and even before the person was born.
First, I want to say that the preachers of this doctrine confuse congenital disorders and calving problems with curses past.
In John, chapter number 9, the Lord Jesus heals a man born blind. Before receiving healing the students do the following question about the blind: "Who sinned that he was born so he or his parents?".
Jesus then replies: "Neither he nor his parents" (Jn 9.2,3).
Secondly I want to say that there is no need to find out if there are curses in the past life of Christians or the need for breaking some curse, considering they do not exist!
The curses are inherent in the "old man" and this, is dead, so there is more. The Word of God teaches us in II Corinthians 5:17 that our past was buried with Christ!
We are new creatures, born again!
The text of Ez 18.1-4,20; put an end to this matter.
II.D) dispute the existence of Hereditary CURSES IN THE LIFE OF A CHRISTIAN
For fans of breaking curses, curses those traits are passed from one generation to another. Example: the great-grandfather had dandruff, also the great-grandfather, grandfather idem, the father also had and therefore I also have my son and will for sure! Conclusion: There is a curse of dandruff in the family!
A) There is a real ignorance in this matter. If the point previously studied the issue was in relation to congenital cases, we can now see that people are confusing genetic problems with curses.
B) We will "hit" now facing with the doctrine of breach of curses in point referred to the curses of family using the verse of their favorite fans.
Ex 20.2-6
1) It is part of the law and the law was a whole that should be observed and not just some parts. Ex 20.5 (b), 6 should be viewed within the whole context of the law. In Deuteronomy 24.16, which is a book of the law is clear that God does not blame the children for the iniquity of country.Security Bible can not contradict itself!
2) In Ezekiel 18, God repeats the same principle.
1 - Mercy overcomes the courts (for punishment, four generations, for mercy, thousands of generations);
2 - When we know from past mistakes and repeat, we are more guilty than the previous generation and, of course, more charged. See Mt 23. 29-35
3 - It is obvious that the children:
Are influenced by PAIS
They share the fruit of evil. Examples: acquired diseases negligence of parents with AIDS, poverty due to the extravagance of the parents.
But this does not mean that the consequences remain forever unsolved, or, it is not a rule. When I teach only what is no good to my son, the chances of it are great and again while teaching good things happen the same principle.
However, note what happened in the life of Samuel, he was a man obedient to God, straight and upright, but his sons walked not in his ways! I Sam 3:19; 8.3; 12.3.
4 - In no way saying that God would punish the children for the sin of the parents, because even after he had said he did not hear more this saying in Israel.
5 - To paraphrase what God said in Exodus 20.5 (b) 6 is: when I see the same mistakes being repeated by the parents for their children, even though a parent's displeased with these errors have become the children well worst and I will punish severely those errors, but give just one, that is not disposed of as my people.
But when they find good examples of parents being repeated in the children, bless this new generation and will never forget your kindness, I will show mercy and even one day fail at some time will remember the kindness done by my servants.
A classic example is that God remembered Abraham, and David showed mercy to Israel and sent the Messiah. One day God will remember Israel again and redeem the nation.
6 - If we take literally be unsustainable in the interpretation of the doctrine of breach of curses makes this text, just look at the books of Kings and Chronicles. A good king died and soon after ruled that his son was ill, which in turn was replaced by his son that was good,
If God visiting the iniquity of the father in the son, King Hezekiah should be punished for the wickedness of his father, King Ahaz.
7 - We should also consider that the text of Ex 20.1-6 is in a context that refers only to the sin of idolatry.
In this class we studied about breaking curses and its four pillars: There is power in words, the believer can be cursed, curses past can affect the lives of Christians and there are hereditary curses.
We learn that these pillars are "sand" and not the expression of biblical truth.
We refute the light of the Word of God each of these pillars learn the truth and exposing this heresy.
Now that you have learned the truth about the doctrine of breach of curses, in the latter part of this subject will learn about the "familiar spirits, cursed the names and regression therapy."
I will end this lesson with the words spoken by Pastor Paul Romeiro the book Evangelicals in crisis, publisher Christian World:
"What is the greatest of curses? Without doubt is to be out of Christ. What is the greatest blessing? Certainly it is being in Christ. How can I delete most of the curses? Introducing the greatest of blessings. ".
Ricardo Correia de Mattos
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